So you have a great dog – what do you do now?

Of course … you learn to work together! The training we offer at JMH Kennels is very focused.

You want to hunt with your dog, we’ll show you how. This is real world practical training for the sportsman so you can get the best from your dog and have fun when you’re out together.

The goal of training is to get your dog ready to be a great hunting companion and also to help you learn how to train your dog. We also offer monthly training for up to 4 dogs. Please inquire early.



Dog training seminars

Every other Saturday- May through October- 9:30 am

Cost is $15 per Saturday Plus the cost of birds

Pigeons – $5.50

Quail – $7.00

Pheasants & Chukars – market cost

Want to know more about our training or just need to get started? Use this form to send a message – we’ll get you going ASAP!

Training Inquiry

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